
The Book of Common Prayer: A Spiritual Treasure Chest—Selections Annotated & Explained is unavailable, but you can change that!

This source of strength and solace for millions of Christian clergy and laypeople throughout the world can be a companion for your own spiritual journey. First published in 1549, the Book of Common Prayer has perhaps influenced the way English speakers think and talk about God as much as any book outside the King James Bible. Today almost 80 million Anglican Christians throughout the world use...

awarded the English monarch the title “Defender of the Faith” (a designation eventually bequeathed by Parliament to Henry’s heirs). The king’s break with Rome is at least ostensibly well known, though the situational complexities that led to the break—and the birth of the independent Church of England—are often ignored. It has been far easier for many to focus on Henry’s anger against the pope for refusing the annulment he sought in order to pursue a second marriage. There were other key factors
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